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HomeCelebritiesKelly Osbourne Dazes Fans With Recent Photos After 85-Pound Weight Loss

Kelly Osbourne Dazes Fans With Recent Photos After 85-Pound Weight Loss

Known for her consistency in trying to maintain an genuine image on-screen and about her willingness to speak about tough topics, Kelly Osbourne is well-known for her social media postings, which often post successes and struggles.


Kelly posted a series of remarkable images where she revealed “feeling herself” after being your suggestions about her 85-pound weight reduction. All fans couldn’t believe how great she looked!

Kelly Osbourne has always been incredibly candid about her struggle with her weight.

Fans may remember Kelly’s dramatic weight loss 10 years ago.


Speaking with Shape back in 2010, Kelly explained how she gained confidence.

The then 26-year-old revealed how growing up in the spotlight as Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne’s daughter wasn’t easy.

“I was called fat and ugly in the press almost my entire life,” Kelly explained. “I understand that being judged by others comes with the territory, but it broke my heart and ruined my self-esteem.”


She continued: “It sets you up to hate yourself in a huge way. I was so angry about the things people said about me.”

“I truly believe it’s the main reason I turned to Vicodin and ended up in rehab three times. I just hated myself.”


Fans may remember Kelly’s 2009 stint at Oregon’s Hazelden Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation Center due to her dependence on prescription drugs.

After she got drug-free, Kelly told Shape that she “replaced the drugs with food and just got fatter and fatter.”


“I’m an emotional eater. When I get upset, my diet goes out the window.”

She went on to credit her weight loss with her time on Dancing With The Stars, where she learned about nutrition.

“I’d fill up on French fries and pizza all day and wonder why I wasn’t losing weight.”


“In the very beginning, I kept getting sick during rehearsals because I was eating such terrible, fatty food and feeling so exhausted.”

“I used to eat chips and cookies and drink soda all day long. I had to start making better choices.”

“But now, when I’m full? I stop eating! It may have taken me 26 years to figure it out, but I’ve finally learned how to do it right.”

Now, 10 years later, Kelly is opening up again about her latest weight loss journey, but this time on Instagram.

Back in August, the 36-year-old revealed she had lost an incredible 85 pounds.

“Yes… I’m bragging because I worked hard and it feels good!!!” Kelly said at the time while showing off her size 6 jeans on Instagram.

Now, the talk show host is stunning fans with a series of gorgeous pics showcasing her dramatic weight-loss and her lovely lilac hair!

“Wow in the shape of your life!” commented QUEEN Natasha Bedingfield.

“Captivation Nation,” wrote Kelly Cutrone.

Sorry, but if the Kelly Cutrone liked what I was posting on my Instagram, I would happily retire my account because the ultimate goal would have been achieved!

We’re so happy that Kelly is so happy!

She has always been stunning and cool, but now she is really feeling herself and we couldn’t be happier for her!


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